Boxtech provides container technical detail for the global container fleet, you can see what data is available in our dataset, we would recommend that you use the API for integrating to your application as well as the user interface for less frequent lookups.
The documentation is available at
Full details on Boxtech and the BIC can be found at
For feature requests, support or other requests please raise a github issue at and we will reply accordingly.
Register for Access
Access to Boxtech is free, you just need to register to use the service and verify your email account.
Registration can be found at
User Roles
You can use Boxtech as either:
As a consumer you get full access to Boxtech to query the containers in the database, you only need the container number you are looking for and you can search using the web interface for occasional use OR use the API to integrate or script queries to Boxtech from your own application.
You will need to register to gain access, and can start using the application immediately.
To add your containers to boxtech and manage your fleet or apply container alerts to containers you will need to have uploader rights. To qualify for this you will need to register as an uploader in Boxtech and provide the BIC prefix that applies to you.
This information is verified by BIC and once approved you will have the ability to start managing your container fleet and alerts.
You will gain immediate access to Boxtech as a consumer
but only have uploader
rights until verification has taken place by the BIC team.
When registering for Boxtech provide one of your BIC codes and we will verify your account as part of your application to become an uploader.
If you are already registered as a consumer then, once logged into Boxtech you can request access by clicking the button below and providing a BIC Code.

Follow the Getting Started guide to uploading your fleet
API Specifications
All Our API's are published on SwaggerHub
Download the Postman Collection from
Issues, Support or Feature Requests
We are always interested to hear your ideas for Boxtech, and to support your journey to integrating Boxtech into your systems. Please raise a Github issue for us to manage these requests and we will be happy to assist. and hear from you.
Last updated