API Use Case Examples


BoxTech allows shippers, carriers, terminals, depots, and other supply chain participants to instantly obtain technical information about containers, such as tare weight, size/type and maximum gross mass. BoxTech means a one-stop-shop to obtain container tare weights for use in Method 2 SOLAS VGM calculations.

To obtain the tare weight for a given containers you would use the GET method below to retrieve the container detail and would look for the tare_kg in the response, you can now use this in your SOLAS VGM method 2 calculations

Terminal Process

BoxTech allows shippers, carriers, terminals, depots, and other supply chain participants to instantly obtain technical information about containers, such as tare weight, size/type and maximum gross mass.

BoxTech means a one-stop-shop to obtain container max weights for your automated safety checks within a terminal.

For safety you may want to obtain the max weight for a given container to cross check the weight of a container on arrival at the port or terminal.

To obtain the tare weight for a given containers you would use the GET method below to retrieve the container detail and would look for the max_payload_kg or for the loading process the max_gross_mass_kg in the response

Query the API

GET Container Detail

GET https://app.bic-boxtech.org/api/v2.0/container/:container

Find the technical Details for a given container number

Path Parameters




Container Number i.e. GLDU5334260

       "uploaderaccountname": "TOUAX",
       "bic_code": "GLDU",
       "prefix": "GLD",
       "equipment_identifier": "U",
       "serial_number": "533426",
       "check_digit": "0",
       "group_st": "20DC",
       "detail_st": null,
       "tare_kg": 2230,
       "tare_lbs": 4920,
       "max_payload_kg": 30480,
       "max_payload_lbs": 67200,
       "max_gross_mass_kg": 28250,
       "max_gross_mass_lbs": 62280,
       "cubic_capacity_cbm": 33,
       "cubic_capacity_cuft": 1170,
       "stacking_kg": 216000,
       "stacking_lbs": 476190,
       "racking_kg": null,
       "racking_lbs": null,
       "racking_n": null,
       "one_door_off_stacking_kg": null,
       "one_door_off_stacking_lbs": null,
       "one_door_off_racking_kg": null,
       "one_door_off_racking_lbs": null,
       "one_door_off_racking_n": null,
       "one_door_off_end_wall_strength_kg": null,
       "one_door_off_end_wall_strength_lbs": null,
       "manufacture_number": null,
       "manufacture_date": "2008-03-27T00:00:00.000Z",
       "manufacturer": "CIMCDCMCDALIAN",
       "customs_approval": null,
       "customs_approval_type": null,
       "csc_approval": null,
       "timber_treatment_approval": null,
       "external_length_mm": null,
       "external_width_mm": null,
       "external_height_mm": null,
       "internal_length_mm": null,
       "internal_width_mm": null,
       "internal_height_mm": null,
       "door_opening_width_mm": null,
       "door_opening_height_mm": null,
       "codeholder": "TOUAX",
       "container_number": "GLDU5334260",
       "checkDigitwarning": false,
       "external_length_ft": null,
       "internal_length_ft": null,
       "external_width_ft": null,
       "internal_width_ft": null,
       "external_height_ft": null,
       "internal_height_ft": null,
       "door_opening_width_ft": null,
       "door_opening_height_ft": null

Retrieve the Tare Weight from Response

Look for the `tare_kg` in the json response, you can now use this value in your SOLAS VGM method 2 calculations.

        "uploaderaccountname": "CANADIAN ROYALTIES INC",
        "bic_code": "NNCU",
        "check_digit": "0",
        "checkDigitwarning": false,
        "codeholder": "CANADIAN ROYALTIES INC",
        "code_holder": "CANADIAN ROYALTIES INC",
        "container_number": "NNCU1000180",
        "csc_approval": "F/BV/7345/00",
        "cubic_capacity_cbm": 33.0,
        "cubic_capacity_cuft": 1172,
        "customs_approval": null,
        "current_operator": null,
        "customs_approval_type": "KB20-DC-73R1",
        "detail_st": "20G1",
        "door_opening_height_mm": null,
        "door_opening_height_ft": null,
        "door_opening_width_mm": 2340,
        "door_opening_width_ft": 7.6721,
        "equipment_identifier": "U",
        "external_height_mm": 2600,
        "external_height_ft": 7.9987,
        "external_length_mm": 6060,
        "external_length_ft": 19.8753,
        "external_width_mm": 2440,
        "external_width_ft": 7.9987,
        "group_st": "20GP",
        "internal_height_mm": 2390,
        "internal_height_ft": 7.8361,
        "internal_length_mm": 5900,
        "internal_length_ft": 19.3443,
        "internal_width_mm": 2350,
        "internal_width_ft": 7.7049,
        "manufacture_date": "2000-10-01",
        "manufacture_number": "CR00-28940",
        "manufacturer": "Cronos Containers",
        "max_gross_mass_kg": 30480,
        "max_gross_mass_lbs": 67197,
        "max_payload_kg": 28130,
        "max_payload_lbs": 62016,
        "one_door_off_end_wall_strength_kg": 15000,
        "one_door_off_end_wall_strength_lbs": 35000,
        "one_door_off_racking_kg": 10000,
        "one_door_off_racking_lbs": 25000,
        "one_door_off_racking_n": 60000,
        "one_door_off_stacking_kg": 70000,
        "one_door_off_stacking_lbs": 140000,
        "prefix": "NNC",
        "racking_kg": 15240,
        "racking_lbs": 33528,
        "racking_n": null,
        "serial_number": "100018",
        "stacking_kg": 213000,
        "stacking_lbs": 430000,
        "tare_kg": 2280,
        "tare_lbs": 5016,
        "timber_treatment_approval": "IM/BASILEUM SI-84/00",
        "capacity_litres": null,
        "imdg_code": null,
        "adr_rid_code": null,
        "baffles": null,
        "smart_container": null,
        "smart_container_certification": null,
        "smart_container_activated": null

Last updated